Indonesia, medan

Beautiful Multicultural City

Located on Sumatra’s northern coast, Medan is Indonesia’s fourth-largest city after Jakarta, Surabaya and Bandung, and the largest Indonesian city outside of Java. It’s a city where Batak and Chinese culture blend seamlessly in its architecture but more importantly for the visitor, in its mouthwatering cuisine. Medan is the ideal starting point for a Sumatra adventure, as it’s within easy reach of Gunung Leuser National Park, home to Bukit Lawang orangutan sanctuary. Beyond that, just a few hours from Medan is Lake Toba, a supervolcano and crater lake. Relax on Samosir, a volcanic island situated right in the middle of the lake.

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Tour Itinerary

Highlights Of Your Journey.

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Day 1

Kuala Lumpur - Medan - Tebing Tinggi - Parapat

Assemble 3 hours before flight time ETD Arrival at Medan airport, then transfer to local restaurant for lunch. Continue the journey to Parapat / Lake Toba, drive along the road which offers the endless view of rubbe, palm oil, cocoa plantations and paddy fields. Stop at Pematang Siantar to buy some local snacks : ting ting, teng teng, kerupuk / crackers etc. Check in to hotel and dinner in Parapat. Evening walk and shopping souvenir in Parapat.

Tourist Attraction:

Lake Toba

Food Speciality:

Teng Teng


Shopping in Parapat

Day 2

Parapat - Samosir Island Tour - Berastagi

After breakfast at hotel, Samosir island tour by boat : visit Tomok kampung to see the Batak King’s tombs / Raja Sidabutar and Ambarita kampong to see the traditional Batak village with the stone court and the execution place / Raja Siallagan. After lunch in Parapat, take the bus ride to Berastagi : visit Simarjarunjung / the highest point by Lake Toba, Batak long house / Rumah Bolon and Sipiso piso waterfall. Check in to the hotel and dinner in BERASTAGI. Evening walk / shopping / nite life in Berastagi. Optional tour : Cycling / bersepeda around beautiful Samosir Island.

Tourist Attraction:

Tomok Kampung

Food Speciality:



Cycling around Samosir Island

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Day 3

Berastagi - Medan

Morning visit Gundaling hill to see the two active volcanoes in Berastagi : Mount. Sibayak (2.172 m) and Mount. Sinabung (2.417 m) and Pasar Buah / Fruit Market. Proceed on two hour jouney to Medan. After lunch in Medan, city tour and shopping : visit Istana Maimoon / Sultan Palace, Mesjid Raya / Grand Mosque, Batik house, Pusat handbroidery / sulam / telekung, Medan Mall / Sun Plaza, Chinese temple cemara asri, Indian temple balazi, gereja velankani etc. Dinner and check in to hotel in Medan. Evening walk / shopping / nite life in Medan. Optional tour : Simple trekking to the creater of an active volcano / mount Sibayak.

Tourist Attraction:

Lake Toba

Food Speciality:

Fresh fruits


Shopping in Medan

Day 4

Hotel - Airport

Breakfast at hotel. Free program waiting for your transfer to Medan Airport. Fly home with a beautiful memory from Indonesia.

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